Laser Hair Removal is a hair removing procedure that destroys hair follicles due to exposure to pulses of laser light. This procedure has been successfully performed by doctors, worldwide since the 1990s. It is the most common method of hair removal used by women which is effective and efficient. 90% of patients report permanent hair loss after an average of 3-6 sessions. A 2006 review article in “Lasers in Medical Science” found that there were less side effects with laser hair removal than any other procedure. If any side effects did occur; they were temporary and dissipated 6 months after the procedure was performed. It is proved efficient because of it speed and efficacy, all dependent upon the skill of the laser operator. Bodevolution is one of the treatment facilities that has the best and skilled operators alongside the latest technology. Sign up for this painless treatment which promises great result with repetitive treatments which completely damages the hair follicle. Do your due diligence and visit our facility for more details.
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